Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers

Q. How discreet is your service?
A. Very. Our technicians show up
Q. How important is a head check and how often should it be done?
A. Doing a combing head check really helps to cut down on any infestations. If completed weekly, any lice evidence would be caught before a
Q. What is a good way to prevent lice for long hair?
A. Keep your hair to yourself with an up hairdo like a bun, braid, or gathered ponytail.
Q. How important is a head check and how often should it be done?
A. To stop the cycle of lice and the risk of re-infestation, you must stop the egg laying lice first, then remove the actual eggs (nits).
Q. What makes someone contagious?
A. What makes someone contagious with head lice is having a mature, egg-laying adult female louse on your head that could travel to another head.
Q. Will a buzz cut will it cure a lice infestation?
A. Only completely bald people can’t get lice. Lice can lay nits on ¼” of hair. But buzz cuts do make the comb out process a lot easier. If you buzz your son’s hair, protect his scalp from sunburn with sunblock or a hat.
Q. Do I have to tell people we have lice?
A. Yes! It may feel uncomfortable but you must tell anyone who’s been in contact with your infected family member within the last 3 weeks. This gives them the chance to do a head check. It also lessens the chances of them transmitting lice back to your family.
Q. Why do kids seem to get lice more often in school or camp?
A. An estimated 6-12 million people in the U.S. get lice each year, with the ages 3-13 being the prime target. Unfortunately, where there are kids, there is a risk of lice. So schools and camps offer many opportunities to share lice. If lice
Q. How can I be prepared for a possible lice problem?
A. Being educated about how lice behave is the best way to be prepared. Weekly head checks will keep infestations to a minimum.
Q. How can I minimize my kid’s risk for catching lice?
A. Be smart. Be proactive. Use weekly head checks to minimize outbreaks. Use up hairdos to keep your kids hair to themselves.
Q. Do lice like dirty hair?
A. Lice like all kinds of hair. Dirty, clean, curly, straight, wavy, black, brown or blonde. If you have hair, lice like it. That said, they don’t like minty smelling hair.
Q. Won’t the school nurse do the head check for me?
A. While some school nurses have become skilled at detecting lice, most schools don’t check and handle cases of lice. Nor does your physician want anything to do with this. The responsibility falls on the parent or guardian.
Q. Do I have to tell our school if my son or daughter has lice?
Yes, so schools can be aware of potential outbreaks. Some schools send notes home to the class but if they don’t, you have a responsibility to let the class know.
Lice Medix | In-Home Lice and Nit Removal | Home Office: Lafayette, Louisiana | Serving All of L
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