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Acadiana In-Home Lice Removal Service
100% Guaranteed Lice Medix Head Lice Removal Method
Manual removal with a comb is the safest and most effective way to treat head lice and prevent re-infestation. Lice Medix technicians specialize in manual combing and hand-picking all live lice and eggs (nits). This is the proven method for head lice removal. It is recommend that every nit and louse be combed or picked out of the hair by hand during a head lice infestation. Manual removal is the only guaranteed way to get rid of head lice. There are no short-cuts to complete removal during a head lice infestation. Lice Medix offers a 100% head lice removal guarantee that gives you the reassurrance and peace of mind that all lice and eggs will be removed.
Lice Medix head lice treatment provides convenience and education. From the moment you call us, your head lice education has begun, which continues through the treatment. We educate you on the facts of lice.
We deliver our service in the comfort, privacy and convenience of your home. No wasted time sitting in waiting rooms. We can educate you on what needs to be done around your home to ensure the lice is gone and stays gone.
When our Lice Medix technician walks into your home they will be educate you about what to do for your heads, home, and prevention. We leave you with a healthy, lice free head of hair and stay in communication with you for the following week to ensure you are lice free and stay that way.
Lice Removal Appointments
Professional In-Home Lice Removal Service
All Lice Medix technicians go through a thorough head lice training program. Our lice removal specialists are experienced in working with children of all ethnicities. Their goal is to leave your home lice-free so you can get your lives back. We are also educated and experienced in effectively treating special needs kids, and provide any extra comfort, care or understanding necessary to ensure that every child is lice free.
Lice Medix | In-Home Lice and Nit Removal | Home Office: Lafayette, Louisiana | Serving All of L
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